Rancho Water Planning and Administration committee discusses past due payments

The Rancho California Water District’s Planning and Administration and board meets via teleconference Thursday, Nov. 19. Valley News/Courtesy photo
The Rancho California Water District’s Planning and Administration Committee discussed the issue of the recent State Water Resources Control Board’s Financial Impacts Survey that is collecting data from 650 community water systems in the state, Thursday, Nov. 19.Further, they had a discussion about a coalition of regional agencies that is developing white paper messaging regarding the issue with the state.“A lot of this discussion is around the moratorium on water disconnect for non-payment and I miss you remember Gov. Newsom’s executive order back in April and retroactive to March 4,” Tyson Heine, customer and support services manager of Rancho Water, said. “Basically, it does not allow for disconnects for non-payment for residential services and small businesses in cr
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