San Jacinto approves Hewitt Street rehabilitation

Hewitt Street, seen here at Washington Avenue in San Jacinto looking north toward Esplanade Avenue, awaits a $1.4 million rehabilitation, which was authorized by the city council, Dec. 1. It will include bike lanes, resurfacing and sidewalks from Esplanade to Menlo Park avenues. Valley News/Tony Ault photo
The San Jacinto City Council approved a bid to improve the heavily traveled Hewitt Street between Park and Esplanade avenues during the Tuesday, Dec. 1, first regular city council meeting.The project will consist of improvements to a sidewalk, Class I bike lane, storm drain installation, crack sealing, restriping and grind and overlay of the existing roadway. The estimated cost, according to Stuart McKibbin, the city engineer, will be $1,400,509.56 and allocating 10% in soft costs and 10% if there are any construction contingencies. The contractor receiving the bid will be Hillcrest Contracting.Hewitt Street currently connects with Commonwealth Avenue, south of Esplanade Avenue, leading west to the heavily trafficked Walmart shopping center and Aldi store fronting San Jacinto Avenu
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