Anza Apostolic Church hosts traditional Mexican taco feast

Hungry people flock to the Anza Apostolic Church’s traditional Mexican taco sale Saturday, March 18. Anza Valley Outlook/Adrian Campos photo

The Anza Apostolic Church hosted a traditional Mexican taco sale Saturday, March 18. The event served as a way to fundraise while warmly welcoming visitors to the church. A festive atmosphere reverberated with smiles, laughter and chitchat.

Traditional street tacos, burritos and chili verde were served with all the extras such as guacamole, cilantro, chopped onions, tender Mexican rice, homemade refried beans and more. The reasonably-priced fare was expertly prepared by Christina Monjaraz Soriano and her talented crew.

“It was the most excellent food,” Trish Benson said. “I had carne asada tacos with rice and beans. My hubby had a chorizo burrito.”

As patrons enjoyed their meals, Anza Apostolic Church pastor Walter Quinteros mingled with the crowd, kindly introducing himself to each and every one.

“We are planning to do this taco sale every Saturday,” he said.

Church members flagged motorists into the event with enthusiastic sign waving and shouting out by the street. Passersby honked as a continuous line of cars and trucks came for the feast.

“Great food is a wonderful way to bring people together,” one visitor said.

The Anza Apostolic Church is located at 58801-1/2 Wellman Road in Anza. The traditional Mexican taco sales will be held from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. every Saturday, weather permitting.

For more information or directions, please visit

Diane Sieker can be reached by email at

Diane Sieker