Hamilton High School baseball team offers sponsorship opportunities

A Hamilton Bobcat baseball player slams the ball at a recent away game. Anza Valley Outlook/Shannon Aanestad photo

The Bobcat Country Boosters are offering sponsorship opportunities for the 2023 Hamilton High School Bobcat baseball season. The purchase of sponsorship banners and plaques not only help local businesses advertise at games, but it also benefits the athletes and the baseball program overall.

“Do you own a local business and are interested in sponsoring our Hamilton High School baseball team?” sponsorship organizer Shannon Aanestad asked. “This is a great program with some amazing kids. We really want to make this year special for them.”

Coaches teach techniques and the rules of the game, as well as act as mentors to the players involved in Hamilton High School baseball. Anza Valley Outlook/Shannon Aanestad photo

To become a sponsor, there are two different options available. One is the Plaque Sponsorship that includes a plaque to be displayed at the school and social media mentions for a $300 donation. The second option is the Banner Sponsorship that includes a banner that will be displayed as well as social media shout-outs for a $500 donation.

Donations for any amount are welcome as well. All donations, whether as a sponsorship or any other contribution, are tax deductible. Checks may be made payable to Bobcat Country Boosters, Tax ID 61-1691561.

To donate or purchase a sponsorship, please contact Shannon Aanestad by email at ShannonAanestad@gmail.com.

Hamilton High School is located at 57430 Mitchell Road in Anza. The school may be reached at 951-763-1865.

Diane Sieker can be reached by email at dsieker@reedermedia.com.

Diane Sieker