Get tested and know your status in honor of World AIDS Day

RUHS Public Health HIV STD Program offers free HIV testing at community events throughout the county, this one taking place in downtown Riverside. Valley News/Courtesy photo
RIVERSIDE COUNTY – Every day, Riverside County continues the fight against HIV/AIDS through increasing awareness, prevention and providing life-saving support to those affected. This year’s World AIDS Day, which fell Friday, Dec. 1, highlighted the importance that everyone must have access to these vital services with its statement “Ending the HIV Epidemic: Equitable Access, Everyone’s Voice.” Their commitment is felt throughout the county and the many partner agencies providing HIV/AIDS services to the community.“Medical advancements have allowed those with HIV and AIDS to live longer and fuller lives but the work is not done,” Riverside County public health officer Dr. Geoffrey Leung said. “We want to remember and mourn those who lost their lives to HIV/AIDS. We want
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