Rancho Water committee approves mutual aid agreement with EVMWD

Rancho California Water District’s Engineering and Operations Committee and special meeting of Rancho Water’s Board of Directors meet via teleconference Thursday, Oct. 29. Valley News/Courtesy photo
During the Thursday, Oct. 29, meeting of the Rancho California Water District’s engineering and operations committee and special meeting of Rancho Water’s board of directors, a mutual aid agreement was approved between the district and Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District.Staff was directed in January to work on the agreement, and in October, staff from both agencies finalized the agreement for both boards to approve.The agreement would extend beyond regional and statewide agreements by concentrating on building working relationships between staff with scheduled meetings and standardized resource sharing clauses.According to the staff report, the meetings will be scheduled semiannually, and it is “the intent of these periodic meetings to build working relationships am
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